.. _docs-emips-introduction: ******************* Introduction ******************* Emission Inventory Processing System (EMIPS) is a toolbox of MeteoInfoLab. The purpose of EMIPS is to convert the emission inventory data to the model ready emission data of air quality models (AQM). Emission inventories are typically available with gridded annual or monthly emission values for each emissions source. In order to meet the AQM's requirement of hourly emission data at certain spatial resolution with a special chemical mechanism, EMIPS is used to transfer an emission inventory data through temporal allocation, spatial allocation and chemical speciation. More information of EMIPS can be found in examples and source code. Author: ------------ * Yaqiang Wang email: yaqiang.wang@gmail.com Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CMA * Wencong Chen email: 252941087@qq.com Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CMA Source code: --------------- * https://github.com/meteoinfo/EMIPS Publication: ------------------------------------- Chen, W.C., Wang, Y.Q., Li, J.W., YI, Z.W., Zhao, Z.C., G, B., Che, H.Z., Zhang, X.Y., 2023. Description and evaluation of a newly developed emission inventory processing system (EMIPS). Sci. Total Environ. 870, 161909. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161909