.. _docs-meteoinfolab-imagelib-filter-emboss: ********************************* emboss ********************************* .. currentmodule:: mipylib.imagelib.filter .. function:: emboss(src, azimuth=135, elevation=30, emboss=False, bh=1) This filter will emboss an image. :param src: (*image*) Source image. :param azimuth: (*float*) Azimuth of the light source. :param elevation: (*float*) Elevation of the light source. :param emboss: (*boolean*) Emboss or not. :param bh: (*float*) Bump height. :returns: Destination image. **Example:** Image emboss: :: fn = 'D:/Temp/image/Lenna.png' lena = imagelib.imread(fn) subplot(1, 2, 1,aspect='equal', tickline=False) imshow(lena) subplot(1, 2, 2, aspect='equal', tickline=False) lena_1 = imagelib.emboss(lena) imshow(lena_1) .. image:: ../../../../_static/image_emboss.png