.. _docs-meteoinfolab-imagelib-filter-hsb_adjust: ********************************* hsb_adjust ********************************* .. currentmodule:: mipylib.imagelib.filter .. function:: hsb_adjust(src, h=0, s=0, b=0) This filter adds or subtracts a given amount from each of the hue, saturation and brightness channels of an image. :param src: (*image*) Source image. :param h: (*float*) Hue. :param s: (*float*) Saturation. :param b: (*float*) brightness. :returns: Destination image. **Example:** :: #Add data file fn = r'C:\Temp\himawari8\NC_H08_20170508_0040_r14_FLDK.02701_02601.nc' f = addfile(fn) #Read data bdata = f['albedo_01'][:,:] gdata = f['albedo_02'][:,:] rdata = f['albedo_03'][:,:] bdata[bdata>1] = 1 gdata[gdata>1] = 1 rdata[rdata>1] = 1 #Plot axesm() mlayer = shaperead('D:/Temp/map/country1.shp') geoshow(mlayer, edgecolor='g') layer = imshowm([rdata,gdata,bdata]) #Adjust image imagelib.hsb_adjust(layer, h=0, s=0.1, b=0.2) title('Himarari 8 true color image example') .. image:: ../../../../_static/himawari8_true_color.png