.. _docs-meteoinfolab-plotlib-_axes3dgl-Axes3DGL-geoshow: ******************* geoshow 3D ******************* .. method:: Axes3DGL.geoshow(layer, **kwargs): Plot a layer map in 3D axes. :param layer: (*str or MILayer*) The layer to be plotted. :param offset: (*float*) Location on z axis. :param xshift: (*float*) X coordinate shift. :param facecolor: (*color*) Face color. :param edgecolor: (*color*) Edge color. :param linewidth: (*float*) Line width. :returns: Graphics. Example of 3D ``geoshow`` :: ax = axes3d() geoshow('continent', facecolor='c', edgecolor='b') zlim(0, 1) title('geoshow in 3D plot') xlabel('Longitude') ylabel('Latitude') zlabel('Altitude') .. image:: ../../../../_static/geoshow_3d.png Plot geo-located image using ``geoshow`` function :: ax = axes3d() grid(False) layer = georead('global_shade.jpg') geoshow(layer) geoshow('continent', edgecolor='b', offset=1) zlim(0, 1000) xlabel('Longitude') ylabel('Latitude') zlabel('Altitude (m)') .. image:: ../../../../_static/geoshow_3d_image.png