.. _docs-meteoinfolab-funcitons-plot-gridshow: ******************* gridshow ******************* .. currentmodule:: mipylib.plotlib.miplot .. function:: gridshow(*args, **kwargs) Display an grid plot. :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array. :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array. :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array. :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves to draw, in increasing order. :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string. :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``. :returns: (*GraphicCollection*) Polygon graphic collection. **Example:** :: x = arange(10) y = arange(10) z = random.randint(0, 10, (10,10)) gg = gridshow(x, y, z, edgecolor='gray', cmap='MPL_summer') colorbar(gg) xaxis(tickin=False) xaxis(tickline=False, location='top') yaxis(tickin=False) yaxis(tickline=False, location='right') for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(len(y)): text(x[i], y[j], str(z[j,i]), color='gray', xalign='center', yalign='center') title('gridshow example') .. image:: ../../../../_static/gridshow_1.png