.. _docs-meteoinfolab-funcitons-plot-scatter: ******************* scatter ******************* .. currentmodule:: mipylib.plotlib.miplot .. function:: scatter(x, y, s=8, c='b', marker='o', label='S_0') Make a scatter plot of x vs y, where x and y are sequence like objects of the same lengths. :param x: (*array_like*) Input x data. :param y: (*array_like*) Input y data. :param s: (*int*) Size of points. :param c: (*Color*) Color of the points. :param marker: (*string*) Marker of the points. :param label: (*string*) Label of the points series. :returns: Points legend break. Examples:: x = [1,2,3,4] y = [1,4,9,16] scatter(x, y, marker='S', s=14, color='r') ylabel('Y Axis') xlabel('X Axis') axis([0,5,0,20]) title('Scatter plot example', color='b') .. image:: ../../../../_static/scatter.png