.. docs-trajstat-create_grid: ************************** Create Grid Layer ************************** Before performing PSCF or CWT analysis, a PSCF or CWT layer has to be created. Click ‘Create Grid Layer’ menu item, then set the extension, cell size and type of the layer in opened dialog. .. image:: ../../_static/trajstat/grid_pscf.png Press ‘Create Layer’ button, and then set the filename of the layer in ‘Save As’ dialog. A grid layer will be created in ‘PSCF’ group. .. image:: ../../_static/trajstat/pscf_layer.png ID, N_Traj, Nij, Mij, PSCF and WPSCF fields were added during PSCF layer creation. .. image:: ../../_static/trajstat/pscf_table.png To create CWT layer, type should be selected to ‘CWT’, Then CWT field width and precision should be set. .. image:: ../../_static/trajstat/grid_cwt.png ID, N_Traj, Nij, CWT, WCWT fields were added to cwt shape file. .. image:: ../../_static/trajstat/cwt_table.png