.. _examples-meteoinfolab-file_io-read_lighting: ******************* Read lighting data ******************* Python ASCII file read functions could be used if the data can not be read by ``asciiread()`` and ``readtable()`` functions. Read data into several Python lists and create arrays from them for plotting. :: fn = 'D:/Temp/ascii/lighting/2009_06_06.txt' tf = open(fn) lats = [] lons = [] vs = [] for aline in tf: datalist = aline.split() lat = float(datalist[3].split('=')[1]) lon = float(datalist[4].split('=')[1]) v = float(datalist[5].split('=')[1]) lats.append(lat) lons.append(lon) vs.append(v) lon = array(lons) lat = array(lats) v = array(vs) axesm() geoshow('cn_province') ss = makesymbolspec('point', {'value':(-10000,0), 'color':'b', 'marker':'m', 'size':6, 'caption':'Negative'}, \ {'value':(0,10000), 'color':'r', 'marker':'+', 'size':6, 'caption':'Positive'}) layer = scatter(lon, lat, v, symbolspec=ss) legend(legend=layer.legend(), loc='lower left') xlim(90, 130) ylim(20, 50) title('Lighting locations') .. image:: image/ascii_lighting.png