.. _examples-meteoinfolab-map-add_shapes: *********************************** Add point, line and polygon shapes *********************************** Custom point, line and polygon can be added in the map using ``geoshow()`` function. :: axesm(tickfontsize=12) geoshow('country', edgecolor='k', facecolor='g') #Add point geoshow(15, -100, size=14, color='r', marker='S') #Add line lat = [15, 0, -45, -25, nan, 15, -30, -60, -65] lon = [-100, 0, 70, 110, nan, -100, -20, 100, 150] geoshow(lat, lon, size=2, color='b') #Add line and polygon lat = array([30, 0, 18, 48, 30]) lon = array([60, 70, 130, 120, 60]) geoshow(lat, lon, color='r', size=2, linestyle=':') lon = lon - 100 geoshow(lat, lon, displaytype='polygon', color=[150,230,230,230], edgecolor='b', size=2) #Set extent xlim(-180, 180) ylim(-90, 90) xticks(arange(-180, 181, 30)) yticks(arange(-90, 91, 30)) title('Add shapes') .. image:: ../../../_static/add_shapes.png