.. _examples-meteoinfolab-plot_types-fill_between: ******************* Fill between chart ******************* Fill between chart was created by ``fill_between()`` function with x, y1 and y2 arrays. Polygon will be filled between two curves (y1 and y2). Also the fill parts could be controlled by ``where`` argument. :: n = 256 X = linspace(-pi,pi,n,endpoint=True) Y = sin(2*X) fill_between(X, 1, Y+1, color='blue', alpha=.25) plot(X, Y+1, color='blue') fill_between(X, -1, Y-1, (Y-1) > -1, color='blue', alpha=.25) fill_between(X, -1, Y-1, (Y-1) < -1, color='red', alpha=.25) plot(X, Y-1, color='blue') xlim(-pi, pi) ylim(-2.5, 2.5) title('fill_between example') .. image:: ../../../_static/fill_between_1.png