.. _examples-meteoinfolab-satellite-himawari_8: ******************* Himawari-8 data ******************* This example code illustrates how to access and visualize a Himawari-8 data (http://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ptree/index.html). It is very hight resolution data with 22000 and 22000 of x and y dimensions, so the step is set to 4 to reduce the memory usage. :: #Add data file fn = 'D:/Temp/nc/IDE00220.201507140300.nc' f = addfile(fn) #Get data variable v = f['channel_0003_brf'] data = v[0,::4,::4] data = data[::-1,:] #Plot ax = axesm(proj='geos', lon_0=104.7, h=35785863, gridlabel=True, gridline=True, frameon=False) geoshow('country') levs = arange(0, 1, 0.1) layer = imshow(data, levs, proj=ax.proj) colorbar(layer) .. image:: image/himawari_8.png The sample code to create Himawari-8 true color image from band 1 (blue), 2 (green) and 3 (red). :: #Add data file fn = r'C:\Temp\himawari8\NC_H08_20170508_0040_r14_FLDK.02701_02601.nc' f = addfile(fn) #Read data bdata = f['albedo_01'][:,:] gdata = f['albedo_02'][:,:] rdata = f['albedo_03'][:,:] bdata[bdata>1] = 1 gdata[gdata>1] = 1 rdata[rdata>1] = 1 #Plot axesm() geoshow('country', edgecolor='g') layer = imshowm([rdata,gdata,bdata]) #Adjust image imagelib.hsb_adjust(layer, h=0, s=0.1, b=0.2) title('Himarari 8 true color image example') .. image:: ../../../_static/himawari8_true_color.png Himawari Standard Data (HSD) format was described in the document http://www.data.jma.go.jp/mscweb/en/himawari89/space_segment/hsd_sample/HS_D_users_guide_en_v12.pdf . The example to read and plot HSD data: :: import struct def read_h8(fn): #Read data header f = open(fn, 'rb') hlen = 0 #1 Basic information block f.read(282) hlen += 282 #2 Data information block f.read(5) ncol, = struct.unpack('