.. _examples-meteoinfolab-satellite-MLS_swath: ******************* MLS Swath data ******************* MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder) swath HDF data file follow EOS format, so it can be plotted in MeteoInfo desktop applicaiton. .. image:: ../../../_static/MLS_mi_1.png The script sample to plot vertical profile at a specific time. :: fn = 'D:/Temp/hdf/MLS-Aura_L2GP-BrO_v01-52-c01_2007d029.he5' f = addfile(fn) tidx = 399 data = f['L2gpValue'][tidx,:] time = f['Time'][:] #Create an "elapsed time" variable (International Atomic Time) telapse=(time-time[0])/60 plot(data, '-bo') xlabel('Pressure (hPa)') ylabel('BrO (vmr)') title(os.path.basename(fn) + '\nBrO at Time = %i minutes' % telapse[tidx]) .. image:: ../../../_static/MLS_1.png