.. _examples-meteoinfolab-trajectory-traj_multicolor: ****************************** Trajectory multi-color plot ****************************** Below is an example to plot a multi-color trajectory according to it's height. Read longitude, latitude and height arrays from a HYSPLIT output trajectory file, and plot multi-color trajectory in a map. :: #Read trajectory data file fn = 'D:/Temp/HYSPLIT/05060306' f = addfile_hytraj(fn) lon = f['lon'][0,:] lat = f['lat'][0,:] alt = f['height'][0,:] #Plot axesm() geoshow('country', edgecolor=(204,204,204), facecolor=(250,235,252)) levs = arange(0, 1000, 100) cols = makecolors(len(levs) + 1) gg = plot(lon, lat, zvalues=alt, levels=levs, colors=cols, size=2) scatter(lon[0], lat[0], size=8, facecolor='r') text(lon[0], lat[0]-1.5, 'Fukushima', xalign='center') colorbar(gg) title('Multi-color line') yticks(arange(30, 51, 5)) xlim(130, 160) ylim(30, 50) .. image:: ../../../_static/multicolor_line.png