.. _news-meteoinfo_1.4.7: ****************************************** MeteoInfo 1.4.7 was released (2017-11-2) ****************************************** - ``Difference`` and ``Symmetrical Difference`` functions were added in GeoProcessing menu of MeteoInfoMap. - Update wContour library to version 1.6.1. - Add ``eof`` and ``varimax`` functions in ``meteo`` module for EOF and REOF analysis. - Add ``inv`` method in ``MIArray`` and ``DimArray`` class to calculate inverse matrix array. - Add ``lonflip`` and ``lonpivot`` methods in ``DimArray`` class to reorder the array with global longitude dimension. - Add ``month_to_season`` method in ``DimArray`` class to compute a user-specified three-month seasonal mean from monthly mean array. - Add ``select`` method in ``MILayer`` class to select shapes using a specified expression. - Add ``argmin`` and ``argmax`` methods in ``minum`` module to get the indices of the minimum/maximum values along an axis. - Add ``text`` and ``fill_between`` plot method in ``Axes3D`` class. - Add ``step`` plot function in ``miplot`` module to make a step plot. - Some bug fix and existing functions update. **Symmetrical difference analysis** .. image:: ../_static/news/mi_1.4.7_symdif_1.png .. image:: ../_static/news/mi_1.4.7_symdif_2.png .. image:: ../_static/news/mi_1.4.7_symdif_3.png