.. _news-meteoinfo_2.3: ****************************************** MeteoInfo 2.3 was released (2020-8-24) ****************************************** - Using SVG icons in GUI. - Update netCDF java library to 5.3.3. - Update FlatLaf to 0.40. - Update jts to version 1.17.0. - Update proj4j to version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT - Add dpi support for output image of JOGL 3D. - Add zoom and move events to 3d jogl plot. - Add PolygonZ shape type support. - Add ``ddof`` argument in std and var functions. - Add ``ceil`` and ``floor`` functions. - Add 3d griddata idw and nearest methods support. - Re-arrange meteolib's packages and modules. **New GUI of MeteoInfoLab** .. image:: ../_static/news/milab_2.3.PNG :scale: 50 **New GUI of MeteoInfoMap** .. image:: ../_static/news/mimap_2.3.PNG :scale: 50