.. _news-meteoinfo_3.2.0: ****************************************** MeteoInfo 3.2.0 was released (2021-10-15) ****************************************** - Update pro4j to 1.1.3 - Update FlatLaf to version 1.6 - Remove jchardet library - Add ``contourslice`` and ``contourfslice`` functions in 3D axes - Enable lighting to support double sides normal in 3D axes - Support 3D pipe line plot - Add vertex normal calculation functions - Support equal aspect in 3D axes - Add ``sphere`` and ``cylinder`` functions - Add MICAPS MDFS type 3 data support - Support unicode path of MeteoInfo - Add ``erf`` and ``erfc`` functions - Add ``arctan`` and ``arctan2`` functions for numpy compatible - Add ``peaks`` function - Add ``patches`` package in plotlib - Add lines ``module`` and ``Line2D`` class - Add ``supxlabel`` and ``supylabel`` functions - Add ``copy`` and ``move`` functions in MILayer class - Support CAMx output nc data file - Some bug fixed **sphere plot**:: x, y, z = sphere() axes3d(aspect='equal') surf(x, y, z) antialias() .. image:: ../_static/sphere_surf.png **cylinder plot**:: t = arange(0, 2*pi+0.001, pi/10) r = 2 + cos(t) x, y, z = cylinder(r) surf(x, y, z) antialias() .. image:: ../_static/cylinder_surf.png **peaks plot**:: x, y, z = peaks(25) mesh(x, y, z, cmap='GMT_drywet_r') antialias() .. image:: ../_static/peaks_mesh.png