Download and Run OutlierFlag

Outlier Flag could be downloaded freely from the website . It can be run as a standalone desktop program or as a toolbox application in MeteoInfoLab. The complete Outlier Flag desktop package should, after uncompression, include the following items:

  • Outlier Flag executable file called “OutlierFlag.exe” for Windows system.

  • Outlier Flag plugin library file called “Outlier Flag.jar”.

  • Configure file called “config.xml”.

  • Library files in a folder called “lib”.

  • Splash file called “splash_OF.png’.

On Windows paltform, you can launch OutlierFlag desktop by double-clicking “OutlierFlag.exe” file directly.

The complete Outlier Flag toolbox package should, after uncompression, include the following items:
  • Outlier Flag plugin library file called “Outlier Flag.jar”.

  • Configure file called “config.xml”.

  • Jython files called “” and “”.

  • Sample data files in a folder called “sample”.

The unzipped OutlierFlag folder should be moved into toolbox folder in MeteoInfo directory. And add following code in file:

import OutlierFlag.qaqc as qaqc

Load OutlierFlag application in MeteoInfoLab

Open MeteoInfoLab program. Click Apps -> Application Manager menu to open Application Manager dialog. Click Update List botton and OutlierFlag will be viewed in Application list. Check the OutlierFlag item to load the application.
