Lasso Regression

Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) regression is a shrinkage and selection method for linear regression. It minimizes the usual sum of squared errors, with a bound on the sum of the absolute values of the coefficients (i.e. L1-regularized). It has connections to soft-thresholding of wavelet coefficients, forward stage-wise regression, and boosting methods.

The Lasso typically yields a sparse solution, of which the parameter vector β has relatively few nonzero coefficients. In contrast, the solution of L2-regularized least squares (i.e. ridge regression) typically has all coefficients nonzero. Because it effectively reduces the number of variables, the Lasso is useful in some contexts.

There is no analytic formula or expression for the optimal solution to the L1-regularized least squares problems. Therefore, its solution must be computed numerically. The objective function in the L1-regularized least squares is convex but not differentiable, so solving it is more of a computational challenge than solving the L2-regularized least squares. The Lasso may be solved using quadratic programming or more general convex optimization methods, as well as by specific algorithms such as the least angle regression algorithm.

from miml import datasets
from miml.regression import LASSO

fn = os.path.join(datasets.get_data_home(), 'regression',
df = DataFrame.read_table(fn, delimiter=',',
    format='%64f', index_col=0)

x = df.values
y = array(

model = LASSO(10), y)

print model
>>> run script...

           Min              1Q          Median              3Q             Max
     -156.0745        -30.4014         -3.1887         31.4334        149.7378

Intercept   152.1335

Var 1            42.2524

Var 2          -257.7338

Var 3           449.3283

Var 4           341.2134

Var 5          -185.8292

Var 6            -1.3917

Var 7          -158.5119

Var 8           121.4534

Var 9           677.1183

Var 10           68.3447

Var 11           70.5993

Var 12           50.9044

Var 13           -7.6045

Var 14          560.1727

Var 15           -1.9227

Var 16          262.6268

Var 17          556.6405

Var 18          480.8531

Var 19          116.6087

Var 20          165.4373

Var 21           -8.5606

Var 22           15.5317

Var 23         -169.8404

Var 24          -63.1208

Var 25          222.9773

Var 26          185.1293

Var 27          114.1537

Var 28           60.7931

Var 29           70.9789

Var 30           86.5622

Var 31          345.4959

Var 32         -289.2375

Var 33          -77.4019

Var 34         -100.5561

Var 35         -115.9185

Var 36           48.2530

Var 37          158.0210

Var 38         -539.1530

Var 39          441.9235

Var 40          197.2877

Var 41          -28.1507

Var 42          156.7630

Var 43           28.3774

Var 44          345.3906

Var 45         -210.9563

Var 46         -127.9888

Var 47          -54.1669

Var 48         -105.2098

Var 49         -143.7805

Var 50         -185.4770

Var 51         -362.4059

Var 52         -697.8575

Var 53         -974.6574

Var 54          -59.0982

Var 55          -88.6933

Var 56          -68.7470

Var 57          782.8276

Var 58          -25.0998

Var 59          508.6851

Var 60          286.4917

Var 61          177.2804

Var 62          -70.9310

Var 63          241.0674

Var 64           39.9994

Residual standard error: 53.3841 on 377 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.5901,    Adjusted R-squared: 0.5205

F-statistic: 8.4796 on 64 and 377 DF,  p-value: 4.440e-43