MeteoInfo 2.0 was released (2019-9-26)ΒΆ

  • Add OpenGL support 3D chart functions through JOGL library.

  • Support isosurface 3D plot.

  • Several bug fixed.

Create an OpenGL support 3D axes (Axes3DGL object) using axes3dgl function. The usage of plot functions is similar with Axes3D object.

Relief surface plot:

import time

#Relief data
fn = 'D:/Temp/nc/'
f = addfile(fn)
elev = f['data'][0,::4,::4]
lon = elev.dimvalue(1)
lat = elev.dimvalue(0)
lon, lat = meshgrid(lon, lat)

st = time.clock()
ax = axes3dgl()
ax.set_lighting(True, position=[0,0,1,0], ambient=[0.2,0.2,0.2,1])
ls = ax.plot_surface(lon, lat, elev, 20, cmap='MPL_terrain', edge=False)
zlim(-8000, 20000)
title('Surface 3D plot example')
et = time.clock()
print(et - st)

Isosurface plot:

x = y = z = arange(-3, 3.1, 0.5)
xx,yy,zz = meshgrid(x, y, z)
v = xx*exp(-xx**2 - yy**2 - zz**2)

ax = axes3dgl()
ax.set_lighting(True, position=[-1,-1,1,1])
ax.plot_isosurface(x, y, z, v, 1e-5, color='c', edge=False, nthread=4)
xlim(-3, 3)

3D sand and dust storm plot:

#Set date
sdate = datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 17, 0)

#Set directory
datadir = 'D:/Temp/mm5'

#Read data
fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'WMO_SDS-WAS_Asian_Center_Model_Forecasting_CUACE-DUST_CMA_'+ sdate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + '.nc')
f = addfile(fn)
st = f.gettime(0)
t = 10
dust = f['CONC_DUST'][t,:,:,:]
levels = dust.dimvalue(0)
dust[dust<5] = 0
height = meteolib.pressure_to_height_std(levels)
lat = dust.dimvalue(1)
lon = dust.dimvalue(2)

#Relief data
fn = 'D:/Temp/nc/'
f = addfile(fn)
elev = f['data'][0,'15:65','65:155']
elev[elev<0] = -1
lon1 = elev.dimvalue(1)
lat1 = elev.dimvalue(0)
lon1, lat1 = meshgrid(lon1, lat1)

ax = axes3dgl(bbox=True)
levs = arange(0, 6000, 200)
cols = makecolors(len(levs) + 1, cmap='MPL_terrain')
cols[0] = 'w'
ls = ax.plot_surface(lon1, lat1, elev, levs, colors=cols, edge=False)
ax.plot_isosurface(lon, lat, height, dust, 100, color=[255,180,0,10], \
    edge=False, nthread=4)
xlim(65, 155)
ylim(15, 65)
zlim(0, 15000)
zlabel('Height (m)')
#zticks(arange(len(levels))[1:], levels[1:])
tt = st + datetime.timedelta(hours=t*3)
title('Dust bigger than 100 ug/m3 (%s)' % tt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00'))