MeteoInfo 3.6.0 was released (2023-6-2)ΒΆ
Add meshc and surfc plot functions
Add fill3 function
Add Arc patch
Add trisurf function and a simple wavefront object file loader function
Add odeint function
Add pinv function
Add multivariate_normal function
Add isscalar function in numeric module
Add airy function
Add polygonindex function
Add jenks nature breaks module
Add enum package
Add MultiIndex class in DataFrame package
Add field of view parameter in 3D axes for perspective projection
Add reindex method in DataFrame class
update netcdfAll to version 5.5.4-SNAPSHOT to support Grib2 template 4.60
Update hist function to support multiple arrays
Update FlatLaf to version 3.1.1
Update JOGL to version 2.4.0
Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.3.2
Some other bugs fixed
Read and plot 3D model object:
fn = 'D:/Temp/3d/15994_Multi-Purpose_Utility_Helicopter_v1.obj'
T, x, y, z, normal = plt.load_obj_model(fn)
figure(facecolor='k', newfig=False)
axes3d(aspect='equal', axis=False, clip_plane=False)
trisurf(T, x, y, z, facecolor='c')
surfc function example:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(arange(-3, 3, .125))
Z = peaks(X,Y)[2]
C = X*Y
surfc(X, Y, Z, C, 20)