MeteoInfo 3.8 was released (2024-3-11)ΒΆ
New MapPlot rendering functions without MapView
Support LaTeX in 3D axes
Support unicode text in colorbar
Enable system error output in console
Support read MATLAB data file
Support read and write npy/npz data file
Support colorful streamline in 2D plot
Support output GeoJSON file
Update gifaddframe function to support add an BufferedImage
Support visible light data with calibration in AWX
Support extend and extendfrac parameters in contourf function
Add spacing function
Add Line2D class in plotlib package
Add LinearAlgebra abstract class for BLAS engine switch
Add render2d module
Format NDArray iter behaviours and add nditer class
Update MDFS data reading function for string station ID
Update FlatLaf to version 3.4
Update jackson to version 2.15.1
Some other bugs fixed
Read and plot MATLAB data file:
fn = 'D:/Temp/matlab/lizard.mat'
mat_data = np.loadmat(fn)
data = mat_data['data']
data = np.transpose(data, [1,2,0])
axes3d(aspect='equal', orthographic=False, axes_zoom=True)
volumeplot(data, cmap='matlab_jet', ray_casting='specular', vmin=40,