- mipylib.numeric.interpolate.linint2(*args, **kwargs)¶
Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation.
- Parameters:
x – (array_like) X coordinate array of the sample data (one dimension).
y – (array_like) Y coordinate array of the sample data (one dimension).
z – (array_like) Value array of the sample data (multi-dimension, last two dimensions are y and x).
xq – (array_like) X coordinate array of the query data (one dimension).
yq – (array_like) Y coordinate array of the query data (one dimension).
- Returns:
(array_like) Interpolated array.
fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'GrADS', 'model.ctl') f = addfile(fn) ps = f['PS'][:,'10:60','60:140'] lon = arange(50, 142, 2.5) lat = arange(5, 66, 2.5) nps = interpolate.linint2(ps, lon, lat) levs = arange(500, 1021, 20) #Plot subplot(2,1,1,axestype='map') geoshow('country', edgecolor=(0,0,255)) layer = imshow(lon, lat, nps[1,:,:], levs) title('Pressure - linint2') colorbar(layer) subplot(2,1,2,axestype='map') geoshow('country', edgecolor=(0,0,255)) layer = imshow(ps[1,:,:], levs) title('Pressure - origin') colorbar(layer)