
mipylib.plotlib.miplot.barh(*args, **kwargs)

Make a horizontal bar plot.

Make a bar plot with rectangles bounded by:

left, left + width, y, y + height

  • y – (array_like) The y coordinates of the bars.

  • width – (array_like) The widths of the bars.

  • height – (array_like) Optional, the height of the bars default: 0.8.

  • left – (array_like) Optional, the x coordinates of the bars default: None

  • color – (Color) Optional, the color of the bar faces.

  • edgecolor – (Color) Optional, the color of the bar edge. Default is black color. Edge line will not be plotted if edgecolor is None.

  • linewidth – (int) Optional, width of bar edge.

  • label – (string) Label of the bar series.

  • hatch – (string) Hatch string.

  • hatchsize – (int) Hatch size. Default is None (8).

  • bgcolor – (Color) Background color, only valid with hatch.

  • barswidth – (float) Bars width (0 - 1), only used for automatic bar with plot (only one argument widthout width augument). Defaul is 0.8.

  • morepoints – (boolean) More points in bar rectangle. Defaul is False.


Bar legend break.

The following format string characters are accepted to control the hatch style:




horizontal hatch style


vertical hatch style


forward_diagonal hatch style


backward_diagonal hatch style


cross hatch style


diagonal_cross hatch style


dot hatch style


menMeans = [20, 35, 30, 35, 27]
std_men = (2, 3, 4, 1, 2)
n = len(menMeans)
ind = arange(n)
height = 0.35
gap = 0.06
barh(ind, menMeans, height, xerr=std_men, color='r', label='Men', \

womenMeans = [25, 32, 34, 20, 25]
std_women = (3, 5, 2, 3, 3)
barh(ind + height + gap, womenMeans, height, xerr=std_women, color='y', \
    label='Women', edgecolor='b', linewidth=2)

ylim(-0.2, 5)
xlim(0, 40)
xlabel('Mean age')
yticks(ind + height + gap * 0.5, ['G1','G2','G3','G4','G5'])
legend(markerscale=2, frameon=False)
title('Bar chart example')