Vorticity AdvectionΒΆ

Plot an 500-hPa map with calculating vorticity advection using meteolib calculations.

print('Read data...')
fn = 'D:/Temp/grib/namanl_218_20160416_1800_000.grb'
f = addfile(fn)

vtime = f.gettime(0)
lev_500 = where(f['isobaric'][:]==500)[0][0]

xy_slice = slice(None, None, 2)
hght_500 = f['Geopotential_height_isobaric'][0,lev_500,xy_slice,xy_slice]
hght_500 = imagelib.gaussian_filter(hght_500, sigma=3)

uwnd_500 = f['u-component_of_wind_isobaric'][0,lev_500,xy_slice,xy_slice]
vwnd_500 = f['v-component_of_wind_isobaric'][0,lev_500,xy_slice,xy_slice]

x = f['x'][xy_slice] * 1000
y = f['y'][xy_slice] * 1000
xx, yy = meshgrid(x, y)

dx = diff(xx, 1)
dy = diff(yy, 0)
avor = meteolib.vorticity(uwnd_500, vwnd_500, dx, dy)
avor = imagelib.gaussian_filter(avor, sigma=3)
vort_adv = meteolib.advection(avor, u=uwnd_500, v=vwnd_500, dx=dx, dy=dy) * 1e9

ax = axesm(projinfo=f.proj)
geoshow('us_states', edgecolor=(0,102,204))
geoshow('country', edgecolor=(0,102,204))

# Plot Titles
left_title(r'500-hPa Heights (m), AVOR$*10^5$ ($s^{-1}$), AVOR Adv$*10^8$ ($s^{-2}$)')
right_title('VALID: {}'.format(vtime))

# Plot Colorfill of Vorticity Advection
clev_avoradv = np.arange(-30, 31, 5)
cf = contourf(x, y, vort_adv, clev_avoradv[clev_avoradv != 0],
                 cmap='BlWhRe', smooth=False, proj=f.proj)
colorbar(cf, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.8, aspect=40, label=r'$1/s^2$')

# Plot Height Contours
cs = contour(x, y, hght_500, 20, colors='black', proj=f.proj)
clabel(cs, fontsize=10, fmt='%i')

# Plot Absolute Vorticity Contours
clevvort500 = np.arange(-9, 51, 10)
cs2 = contour(x, y, avor*1e5, clevvort500, colors='gray',
                 linewidth=1.25, linestyle='--', proj=f.proj)
clabel(cs2, fontsize=10, fmt='%i')

# Plot Wind Barbs
# Transform Vectors and plot wind barbs.
wind_slice = slice(None, None, 10)
barbs(x[wind_slice], y[wind_slice], uwnd_500[wind_slice,wind_slice],
    vwnd_500[wind_slice,wind_slice], size=6, proj=f.proj)

axis([-125, -65, 15, 58])