- Plot types
- XY plot
- Errorbar chart
- Step plot
- Bar chart
- Histogram chart
- Fill between chart
- Sub-plot
- LaTeX
- Multiple y axis
- Scatter plot
- Pie chart
- Box chart
- Violin chart
- Taylor diagram chart
- Polar plot
- Windrose plot
- Contour plot
- Vector plot
- Streamline plot
- Weather symbol plot
- Station model plot
- Gif animation
- Plot Bing Dwen Dwen
- Image process
- 3-D plots without OpenGL
- Oblique section plot
- 3-D plots with OpenGL
- plot3
- scatter3
- bar3
- stem3
- quiver3
- text3
- streamplot3
- slice3
- streamslice
- contourslice
- contourfslice
- imshow 3D
- geoshow 3D
- mesh
- surf
- isosurface
- particles
- volumeplot
- Earth global 3-D plots
- Map
- File input and output
- Math
- Meteorological analysis
- Vorticity and divergence
- Temperature advection
- Horizontal helicity
- Vertical helicity
- Water vapor flux divergency
- Matrix rotate
- Average data along x/y axis of a rectangle
- K index
- Moisture potential vorticity
- Sigma to Pressure Interpolation
- Plot low and high pressure centers
- Baroclinic Potential Vorticity Analysis
- Isentropic Analysis
- Vorticity Advection
- Frontogenesis Analysis
- EOF analysis
- Satellite data
- CloudSAT Swath data
- AIRS Swath data
- AIRS Grid data
- AVHRR Grid data
- AMSR-E Land3 data
- FY-2C cloud data
- FY-2G cloud top temperature data
- FY-3A AOD data
- FY-3C global fire data
- FY-4A AGRI data
- MODIS AOD data - MOD08
- MODIS snow data - MOD10A1
- TRMM 2A12 data
- TRMM 3B43 data
- SeaWiFS grid data
- OMI grid data
- OMI swath data
- OMI Absorbing Aerosol Index
- Himawari-8 data
- GeoTiff RGB image
- CALIPSO data
- GPM swath data
- Sea Ice Concentration data
- MLS Swath data
- NSIDC brightness temperatures
- TOMS ozone Grid data
- GEOS-16 data
- SMAP L4 data
- Trajectory