Trajectory plotΒΆ

Get a trajectory data file object using addfile_hytraj function from HYSPLIT trajectory endpoint data file. It has two dimensions of trajectory (trajectory number) and obs (endpoint number in one trajectory. maximum number is given if the endpoint numbers are not identical). The variables are time, run_hour, lat, lon, height, PRESSURE and other output meteorological parameters. All variables have the two dimensions, so we can get 2-D data arrays from the file object. The lat, lon data can be used to plot trajectories.

fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'HYSPLIT', 'tdump')
f = addfile_hytraj(fn)
lon = f['lon'][:].T
lat = f['lat'][:].T
npoint, ntraj = lon.shape

figure(figsize=[526, 489], newfig=False)
axesm(position=[0.12, 0.3, 0.85, 0.7])
geoshow('country', edgecolor=(0,0,255), facecolor=(230,230,230))
cols = makecolors(ntraj)
markers = makemarkers(ntraj)
tlayer = plot(lon, lat, markers=markers, colors=cols, markersize=4,
    markerfacecolor=None, markerinterval=6, antialias=True)
scatter(lon[0], lat[0], size=6, color='r', marker='S')
xlim(-92, -55)
ylim(34, 54)
yticks(arange(35, 54, 5))
title('MeteoInfoLab script demo - Trajectory')

axes(outerposition=[0, 0, 1, 0.3], yreverse=True, xaxistype='time')
tt = f['time'][:].T
data = f['PRESSURE'][:].T
plot(tt, data, markers=markers, colors=cols, markersize=4,
    markerfacecolor=None, markerinterval=6, antialias=True)

Plot trajectories in a 3-D map colored by pressure values.

fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'HYSPLIT', 'tdump')
f = addfile_hytraj(fn)
lon = f['lon'][:,:]
lat = f['lat'][:,:]
alt = f['height'][:,:]
pres = f['PRESSURE'][:,:]

ax = axes3d()
geoshow('us_states', facecolor=(255,248,226), edgecolor='b')
traj = plot3(lon, lat, alt, cdata=pres, linewidth=2)
scatter3(lon[:,0], lat[:,0], alt[:,0], marker='o', fill=False, \
    size=14, edgecolor='gray')
xlim(-125, -55)
ylim(25, 50)
zlim(0, 1000)
title('3D trajectory example')