MeteoInfo 1.8 was released (2019-4-22)ΒΆ

  • Add any, all, vstack and hstack functions in numeric package.

  • Add delnan, smooth5 and smooth9 functions in numeric package.

  • Add arrow, arrowline, annotate functions in plotlib package.

  • Add minorticknum and tickwidth arguments in xaxis and yaxis functions.

  • Use itext as pdf output library for better pdf image output.

  • add more distributions in random module.

  • Update high dpi image output functions.

  • Fixed some bugs.


x = arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.01)
y = cos(2 * pi * x)
plot(x, y, lw = 2)
annotate('local max', (2,1), (3,1.5), yalign='center',
    arrowprops=dict(linewidth=4, headwidth=15, color='b', shrink=0.05))
ylim(-2, 2)

High dpi image output:

f = addfile('D:/Temp/GrADS/model.ctl')
u = f['U'][0,'500','10:60','60:140']
v = f['V'][0,'500','10:60','60:140']
speed = sqrt(u*u+v*v)

geoshow('country', edgecolor='k')
levs = arange(4, 40, 4)
layer = quiverm(u, v, speed, levs=levs, size=8, width=1, \
    headwidth=5, overhang=0)
quiverkey(layer, 0.74, 0.18, 15, '15 m/s', overhang=0, bbox={'edge':True, 'fill':True})
title('Wind field')
savefig('D:/Temp/dpi_test_wind.png', dpi=300)