MeteoInfo 3.0.0 was released (2021-5-11)

  • Code refactoring - split MeteoInfoLib to several modules: common, ndarray, geometry, table, ui, projection, math, image, dataframe, data, console, geo, chart, map, lab.

  • Using OpenBLAS to speed up scientific computation functions.

  • Add 3D streamline tracing functions.

  • Add Kriging interpolation algorithm.

  • Add 3D trajectory clustering function.

  • Add signal package and detrend function.

  • Add spatial package and pdist function.

  • Add tofile and fromfile functions.

  • Support MICAPS MDFS data file format.

  • Update contour and contourf functions to support 2d x/y coordinates.

  • Update FlatLaf to version 1.1.2.

  • Update Proj4j to version 1.1.2.

  • Update NetCDF to version 5.4.1.

  • update itextpdf to version

  • Update guava to version 30.1.1

  • Some bug fixed.

Kriging interpolation:

fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'MICAPS', '10101414.000')
f = addfile_micaps(fn)
pr = f['Precipitation6h'][:]
lon = f['Longitude'][:]
lat = f['Latitude'][:]

mask_rect = geolib.polygon([72,72,136,136], [16,55,55,16])
pr,lon,lat = geolib.rmaskout(pr, lon, lat, mask_rect)
idx = where(pr != nan)
pr = pr[idx]
lon = lon[idx]
lat = lat[idx]

#griddata function - interpolate
x = arange(75, 135, 0.5)
y = arange(18, 55, 0.5)
prg = griddata((lon, lat), pr, xi=(x, y), method='kriging')[0]

figure(figsize=[700,550], newfig=False)
proj = projinfo(proj='lcc', lon_0=105, lat_1=25, lat_2=47)
axesm(projinfo=proj, position=[0.01, 0.01, 0.99, 0.99], axison=False, gridlabel=False, frameon=False)
geoshow('cn_province', edgecolor='lightgray')
bou1_layer = geoshow('cn_border', facecolor=(0,0,255))
city_layer = geoshow('cn_cities', facecolor='r', size=4)
city_layer.addlabels('NAME', fontname=u'楷体', fontsize=16, yoffset=15, avoidcoll=False)
china_layer = geoshow('china', visible=False)
city_layer.movelabel(u'西宁', -15)
city_layer.movelabel(u'海口', -20, -10)
city_layer.movelabel(u'澳门', 0, -25)
city_layer.movelabel(u'香港', 20, -10)
city_layer.movelabel(u'福州', -10)
city_layer.movelabel(u'合肥', -18)
city_layer.movelabel(u'杭州', 0, -20)
city_layer.movelabel(u'上海', 18)
city_layer.movelabel(u'太原', 0, -20)
city_layer.movelabel(u'天津', 15)
city_layer.movelabel(u'石家庄', -10)
levs = [0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100]
cols = [(255,255,255),(170,240,255),(120,230,240),(200,220,50),(240,220,20),(255,120,10),(255,90,10), \
layer = contourf(x, y, prg, levs, colors=cols)
masklayer(china_layer, [layer])
legend(layer, loc='lower left', frameon=True, title=u'降雨量(mm)', titlefontname=u'黑体')
axism([79, 128, 14, 53])
text(95, 53, u'全国降水量实况图', fontname=u'黑体', fontsize=18)
text(95, 51, u'(2010-10-14 08:00 至 2010-10-14 14:00)', fontname=u'黑体', fontsize=16)

#Add south China Sea
sc_layer = bou1_layer.clone()
axesm(position=[0.15,0.05,0.15,0.2], axison=False, frameon=True)
geoshow(sc_layer, facecolor=(0,0,255))
xlim(106, 123)
ylim(2, 23)

3D stream plot:

ddir = u'D:/Temp/nc/风场'
hfn = os.path.join(ddir, '')
hf = addfile(hfn)
ll = 5
zz = hf['HGT'][0:ll]
x = zz.dimvalue(2)
y = zz.dimvalue(1)
s = 15
zz = zz[:,::s,::s]
zz[zz==0] = nan
x1 = x[::s]
y1 = y[::s]
z1 = arange(ll) * 10

fn = os.path.join(ddir, '')
f = addfile(fn)
ss = 5
hgt = f['HGT'][0]
hgt = hgt[::ss,::ss]
hgt[hgt==0] = nan
x2 = x[::ss]
y2 = y[::ss]

u = f['U'][0,0:ll]
u = u[:,::s,::s]
v = f['V'][0,0:ll]
v = v[:,::s,::s]
w = f['W'][0,0:ll]
w = w[:,::s,::s]
xx, yy = meshgrid(x2, y2)
xx1, yy1, zz1 = meshgrid(x1, y1, z1)
speed = sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w)
#u[speed < 0.3] = nan

qq = streamplot3(x1, y1, z1, u, v, w, speed, linewidth=1,
    density=4, interval=100, lighting=False)
bar3(xx, yy, hgt, width=ss, facecolor='gray', edgecolor=None)
colorbar(qq, aspect=30, label='m / s')