MeteoInfo 3.1.0 was released (2021-7-25)ΒΆ
Add 3d volume plot function - volumeplot
Update FlatLaf to version 1.4
Add fixed_point function in optimize sub-package
Add extract, mod, fmod, floor_divide, divmod, searchsorted functions
Update geotiff reading function to support bigtiff format
Support netcdf4 data writing of ncwrite function - c version netcdf4 lib should be installed
Using juniversalchardet library to detect file encoding
Add Rectangle linear and nearest interpolation functions
Some bug fixed
3D volume plot:
fn = 'D:/Temp/image/sagittal.png'
data1 = imagelib.imread(fn)
data1 = data1[:,:,0]
data1 = data1.reshape(88,300,600)
data = zeros([176,300,300], dtype='int')
data[:88] = data1[::-1,:,:300]
data[88:] = data1[::-1,:,300:]
data = data.swapaxes(0, 1)
ax = axes3d()
volumeplot(data, cmap='NCV_bright')