MeteoInfo 3.9 was released (2024-7-25)¶
Add Point2DCollection, LineCollection classes
Add ·makemarkers· function
Add Transform for graphics
Add avoidcoll argument in barbs, quiver and stationmodel functions
Add crs module and some common used projections in geolib package
Add velocity_potential and stream_function functions
Add magic, convolve functions
Add Rotation class for 3-D rotation of vectors
Support long type data math operators
Add _eof sub-package for EOF analysis
Add isin function in DataFrame and Series
Support CA/CB, SA/SB, SC, PA, CC radar data file
Update netcdf-java to version 5.6.0
Update flatlaf to version 3.5
Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.4.0
Some other bugs fixed
LineCollection example¶
# create a list of half-circles with varying radii
num_arcs = 15
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 36)
radii = np.linspace(4, 5.5, num=num_arcs)
arcs = [np.column_stack([r * np.cos(theta), r * np.sin(theta)]) for r in radii]
lines = plt.LineCollection(arcs, array=radii, cmap='rainbow', antialias=True)
ax = axes(aspect='equal')
ylim(0, 6)
colorbar(lines, label='Radius')
title('Line Collection with mapped colors')
Create map axes with given projection¶
Robinson projection
axesm(projection=geolib.Robinson(), axison=False, frameon=False)
grid(True, tickvisible=True, tickposition='all', fontsize=12)
geoshow('country', facecolor='lightgray')
xticks(arange(-180, 181, 60))
yticks(arange(-60, 61, 30))
Lambert conformal projection
proj = geolib.LambertConformal(central_longitude=104.35, cutoff=0)
ax = axesm(projection=proj, frameon=False, axison=False)
geoshow('country', facecolor='lightgray')
grid(color='b', alpha=0.7, tickvisible=True, tickposition='all',
xticks(arange(-180, 181, 30))
yticks(arange(0, 61, 30))
North polar stereographic projection
f = addfile(r'D:\Temp\nc\')
aod = f['TAOD'][:]
lat = f['lat'][:]
lon = f['lon'][:]
lon = np.append(lon, [lon[-1] + 5])
aod = np.append(aod, aod[:,0][:,np.newaxis], axis=1)
proj = geolib.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=105, cutoff=10)
axesm(projection=proj, axison=False, frameon=False)
levels = arange(0,0.5,0.05)
layer = contourf(lon, lat, aod, levels, extend='both', cmap='BlueDarkRed18', transform=geolib.PlateCarree())
grid(True, color='gray', tickvisible=True, tickposition='all')
xticks(arange(-180, 181, 30))
yticks([30, 60])