
Axes3DGL.contourfslice(*args, **kwargs):

Volume slice contour polygons

  • x – (array_like) Optional. X coordinate array.

  • y – (array_like) Optional. Y coordinate array.

  • z – (array_like) Optional. Z coordinate array.

  • data – (array_like) 3D data array.

  • xslice – (list) X slice locations.

  • yslice – (list) Y slice locations.

  • zslice – (list) Z slice locations.

  • cmap – (string) Color map string.

  • smooth – (bool) Smooth contour lines or not.


Contour polygon slice graphics

Example of contourfslice

fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'GrADS', 'model.ctl')
f = addfile(fn)
data = f['U'][0,:,:,'0:180']
pres = data.dimvalue(0)
z = meteolib.pressure_to_height_std(pres)
y = data.dimvalue(1)
x = data.dimvalue(2)

ax = axes3d()
geoshow('continent', facecolor=[255,231,177], edgecolor='b')
levs = arange(-16, 57, 8)
contourfslice(x, y, z, data, levs, edgecolor='lightgray', alpha=0.8,
    xslice=[120], yslice=[40], zslice=[z[3]])
xlim(0, 180)
title('contourfslice example')

Vertical cross section contour fill slice with start and end x/y points

fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'GrADS', 'model.ctl')
f = addfile(fn)
data = f['U'][0,:,:,'0:180']
pres = data.dimvalue(0)
z = meteolib.pressure_to_height_std(pres)
y = data.dimvalue(1)
x = data.dimvalue(2)

ax = axes3d()
geoshow('continent', facecolor=[255,231,177], edgecolor='b')
levs = arange(-16, 57, 8)
contourfslice(x, y, z, data, levs, edgecolor='lightgray', alpha=0.8,
xlim(0, 180)
title('contourfslice example')