MeteoInfo 3.3.0 was released (2022-2-14)ΒΆ

  • Add earth sphere 3D axes

  • Add xyslice argument in slice3, contoursclice, contourfslice and streamslice functions

  • Support image texture rendering in surf function

  • Update volumeplot function with ray casting algorithms of basic, max_value and specular

  • Add sinh, cosh and tanh functions

  • improve meteolib functions

  • Improve image output functions with tif file support

  • Add GeoQ web tile maps

  • Add Yahei hybrid font

  • Support micaps data file with BOM using Apache commons io library

  • Update pro4j to 1.1.4

  • Update FlatLaf to version 2.0.1

  • Some bug fixed

volume plot with ``specular`` ray casting and transfer function:

#Set date
sdate = datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 15, 0)

#Set directory
datadir = 'D:/Temp/mm5'

#Read data
fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'WMO_SDS-WAS_Asian_Center_Model_Forecasting_CUACE-DUST_CMA_'+ sdate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + '.nc')
f = addfile(fn)
st = f.gettime(0)
t = 12
dust = f['CONC_DUST'][t,:,'15:65','65:155']
levels = dust.dimvalue(0)
dust[dust==nan] = 0
height = meteolib.pressure_to_height_std(levels)
lat = dust.dimvalue(1)
lon = dust.dimvalue(2)

#Relief data
rfn = 'D:/Temp/nc/'
rf = addfile(rfn)
elev = rf['data'][0,'15:65','65:155']
elev[elev<0] = -1
lon1 = elev.dimvalue(1)
lat1 = elev.dimvalue(0)
lon1, lat1 = meshgrid(lon1, lat1)

lchina = shaperead('cn_province')
clon = lchina.x_coord
clat = lchina.y_coord
calt = zeros(len(clon))
h = interp2d(elev, clon, clat)
calt = calt + h
lworld = shaperead('country')
wlon = lworld.x_coord
wlat = lworld.y_coord
walt = zeros(len(wlon))
h = interp2d(elev, wlon, wlat)
walt = walt + h

ax = axes3d(clip_plane=False)
rlevs = arange(0, 6000, 200)
cols = makecolors(len(rlevs) + 1, cmap='MPL_gist_yarg', alpha=1)
cols[0] = [51,153,255]
surf(lon1, lat1, elev, rlevs, facecolor='interp', colors=cols, edge=False)
plot3(clon, clat, calt, color=[255,153,255])
plot3(wlon, wlat, walt, color='b')
#Beijing location
plot3([116.39,116.39], [39.91,39.91], [0,12000])
pp = volumeplot(lon, lat, height, dust, ray_casting='specular',
    cmap='cmocean_solar_r', vmax=180, brightness=2.5,
    opacity_nodes=[90,100,120,121], opacity_levels=[0,0.5,0.5,0])
colorbar(pp, aspect=30)
xlim(65, 155)
ylim(15, 65)
zlim(0, 15000)
zlabel('Height (m)')
tt = st + datetime.timedelta(hours=t*3)
title('Dust concentration ug/m3 ({}UTC)'.format(tt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00')))

Stream slice on 3D earth:

fn = os.path.join(migl.get_sample_folder(), 'GrADS', 'model.ctl')
f = addfile(fn)
u = f['U'][0]
v = f['V'][0]
levels = u.dimvalue(0)
height = meteolib.pressure_to_height_std(levels) / 10
lat = u.dimvalue(1)
lon = u.dimvalue(2)
w = zeros(u.shape)
speed = sqrt(u*u + v*v)

ax = axes3d(projection='earth')
geoshow('country', edgecolor='gray')
levs = arange(2, 20, 2)
streamslice(lon, lat, height, u, v, w, speed, levs=levs, zslice=[300],
colorbar(tickcolor='w', xshift=80)


fn = 'D:/Temp/nc/'
f = addfile(fn)
pres = f['isobaric'][:]
tmpk = f['Temperature'][:]
u_wind = f['u_wind'][:]
v_wind = f['v_wind'][:]
sh = f['Specific_humidity'][:]
y = tmpk.dimvalue(-2)
x = tmpk.dimvalue(-1)

isentlevs = [296.]
pres, tmpk, u_wind, v_wind, sh = meteolib.isentropic_interpolation(isentlevs, pres,
    tmpk, u_wind, v_wind, sh, temperature_out=True)
rh = meteolib.relative_humidity_from_specific_humidity(pres, tmpk, sh) * 100

# Plot rh
levs = arange(10., 106, 5)
grh = contourf(x, y, rh[0], levs, cmap='MPL_gist_earth_r', proj=f.proj)
colorbar(grh, orientation='horizontal', aspect=40, shrink=0.8,
    label='Relative Humidity')
# Plot the surface
clevisent = arange(0, 1000, 25)
cs = contour(x, y, pres[0], clevisent, colors='k', linewidths=1.0, proj=f.proj)
clabel(cs, fontsize=10, fmt='%i', drawshadow=False)
# Plot wind barbs
xx, yy = meshgrid(x, y)
wind_slice = slice(None, None, 6)
barbs(xx[wind_slice,wind_slice], yy[wind_slice,wind_slice], u_wind[0,wind_slice,wind_slice], v_wind[0,wind_slice,wind_slice],
    size=6, proj=f.proj)

axis([-122, -75, 25, 50])